
greetings from

How is it being a minister in Sweden? Follow Sara one day. 
Read more>>Sara.html
Send us an email?
Please do! Click here and send us an email.mailto:Familjen@olofssonfamily.se?subject=Greetings!
Saras Facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/people/Sara-Olofsson-Fd-Fredlund/1631560670
Our bloghttp://www.olofssonfamily.se/wordpress/
In Sweden we celebrate  only one saint: Lucia. A girl that brings light and songs to sweds. Lucia.html
Johannes plays now the cello and has already performed on a Christmas concert.Johannes.html

We are a family who lived and work-ed in the Philippines 2007-2011 for Church of Sweden. We live now in Sweden. This is about a new journey and a reverse culture shock.
Fredrik, Sara, Samuel, Johannes, Judit Olofsson

This is winter. This year it is a real winter with a lot of snow so far. 
Read more >>Autumn.htmlWinter.htmlshapeimage_21_link_0
Merry Christmas!
We wish you a merry and blessed Christmas from a snow Sweden! 
See pictures from a living Nativity play inside the Church of Västra Harg.  
Fredriks Facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003001158694
Where do we live in Sweden? What has happend since you left? Is it very cold?Sweden.html